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Google Gemini vs ChatGPT: Which AI Chatbot Is Better?

Google Gemini and ChatGPT can speed up your workflows and make many aspects of your life—both personal and professional—much easier.

But which app is better?

We ran head-to-head experiments with both AI tools to find out.

Read on to find out whether Gemini or ChatGPT is better for:

  • All kinds of research
  • Understanding complex concepts
  • Image generation
  • SEO tasks
  • Creative content

And much more.

Why Google Gemini and ChatGPT Matter

Large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and Google Gemini are changing the way people do business across industries. From digital marketing to finance and legal services.

And at a rate so fast that it’s nearly impossible to keep up.

Since the release of ChatGPT in November 2022, LLMs have:

  • Improved our productivity and efficiency with better access to information and the ability to execute many tasks much faster
  • Enhanced our creativity by allowing us to instantly generate stories, scripts, art, videos, and other creative content
  • Impacted our economy with job loss and job creation as businesses adapt to the potential of these new technologies

At the heart of the LLM revolution is Open AI’s Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer (ChatGPT).

Google Gemini vs ChatGPT: Which AI Chatbot Is Better?

Close on its heels is Google Gemini, released in December 2023.

Gemini – Homepage

Like ChatGPT, Google Gemini is an AI-powered Chatbot. The two programs offer similar functions and capabilities.

So which one should you use?

That depends on how your needs. First, let’s look at the main differences between the two.

What’s the Difference Between Google Gemini and ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a text-focused AI Chatbot.

You “talk” to ChatGPT via text input.

As if you were messaging a friend.

Like many messaging platforms, it has a talk-to-text option if you prefer to speak your questions instead of typing them.

Google Gemini aims to differentiate itself by leaning into multi-modal capabilities.

You can also converse with it by text.

But Google Gemini Live lets you interact with the app using real-time voice conversation. Just like you would talk to a human.

And it’s freaky good.

Comparing Google Gemini vs ChatGPT Features

The free versions of ChatGPT and Google Gemini are quite similar. Here’s what is included in each of their free plans:

Note: Both tools are constantly being updated, so some of the information above may change over time.
Google Gemini ChatGPT
Modalities Text, image creation, voice prompts Text, limited image creation
Recency Up-to-date information Up-to-date information
Custom GPTs No No
Integrations Basic Google Account, Google Search None
Free plan available Yes Yes
Paid plan cost $20+ $20

Which Is Better: Google Gemini or ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is generally better than Google Gemini for text-based tasks and research.

While Google Gemini is better for many creative tasks and image generation.

We came to these conclusions by running side-by-side comparisons on some of Google Gemini and ChatGPT’s most common use cases.

ChatGPT Is Better for Research

Both AI tools can kickstart your research (whether for content creation or other purposes) with ideas and suggestions.

But ChatGPT (even on its free plan) can access the web for up-to-date information.

For example, we asked ChatGPT to tell us the top-performing blog topics in the pet industry. And it returned a list of this year’s popular topics:

ChatGPT – Top performing blog topics in the pet industry

After generating a list and descriptions of popular topics, ChatGPT added source links at the end of its response:

ChatGPT – Top performing blog topics – Source links

Google Gemini, on the other hand, did not include sources.

When asked to share its sources, it explained that citations aren’t possible:

Gemini – Cite your sources

We tried again, but this time asked for sources with the original prompt.

And it gladly served up a list of source links.

The sources it gave us were very broad, though. Such as links to category pages of organizations. Instead of blog posts.

Overall, we prefer ChatGPT for research.


Because it offers several nice perks that Google Gemini lacks:

  • Web access for up-to-date information (even on the free plan)
  • Specific sources typically included in results or immediately produced when you ask
  • A consistent experience that requires less prompting
  • Helpful information with each answer

Both Apps Are Excellent at Simplifying Complex Concepts

ChatGPT and Google Gemini can instantly help you understand complex concepts on nearly any subject.


  • Science and tech
  • Engineering
  • History
  • Art forms
  • Finance

As an example, we asked both apps to help us understand climate system feedback loops.

Both generated highly-readable content that made the topic easy to understand.

But Google Gemini did an overall better job helping us understand complex concepts.

Its crystal-clear answers and skimmable formatting made it a breeze to digest the information.

Gemini helps us understand the concept

But ChatGPT is also excellent at this kind of task.

It took a different approach, offering an analogy to help us understand the concept:

ChatGPT helps us understand the concept

So, both apps are great for simplifying tough topics. And further prompting can help return the best results for your learning style.

For example, if you prefer analogies, you can include that request in your prompt. Or you can take the “explain like I’m five” approach (ELI5) for even further simplification.

Google Gemini Generates Better Images

Creating images with ChatGPT and Google Gemini can help you illustrate blog posts, webpages, social media content, and more.

Google Gemini includes image creation in its free plan.

However, the free version of ChatGPT only allows you to “test” the feature with an allowance of two images per day.

We compared image quality by prompting each with the same request:

“Generate an image of a person holding a sign that says ‘Puppy Recall Training.”

ChatGPT generated an image close to what we were looking for.


It incorrectly spelled “recall” as “cecall.” (This is a common issue with ChatGPT’s images.)

ChatGPT prompt – Generate image of a person

Gemini refused our request.


Generating images with people in them is currently restricted to early access “Advanced” Google Gemini subscribers.

Gemini prompt – Generate image of a person

So we tried again. But this time we asked for an image of a puppy holding the sign.

And Google Gemini knocked it out of the park.

Gemini generated images of a puppy

Its image and the text were exactly what we asked for (with no misspellings). Although the alignment was a little off.

We like Google Gemini better for image generation because:

  • It can create images with accurate text placement
  • Image generation is included in the free plan

ChatGPT Is the Better Option for SEO

Many SEO pros use ChatGPT and Google Gemini to assist with their day-to-day tasks.

These (and other AI SEO tools) can help you:

  • Brainstorm keyword and topic ideas
  • Write meta descriptions
  • Optimize titles and headlines
  • Create title tags
  • Generate alt text
  • Provide backlink ideas
  • Write backlink outreach emails

Keyword Research

We asked both apps to produce keyword suggestions for the topic “How to teach your puppy to come.”

ChatGPT’s suggestions were all relevant to the topic.

But Google Gemini took a wrong turn. It generated off-topic keywords about 40% of the time.


Keywords Google Gemini Response Chat GPT Response
Primary keywords puppy training Puppy recall training
recall training Train your puppy to come
teach puppy to come Recall training for dogs
how to train puppy recall Dog recall training tips
dog obedience training How to teach a puppy to come
Secondary keywords puppy behavior Puppy obedience training
positive reinforcement training Recall command training
clicker training Positive reinforcement for puppies
puppy socialization Dog training techniques
dog training tips Teach dog recall
consistent training Training a puppy to respond
reward-based training Best recall training tips
patience in puppy training Recall training mistakes
overcoming recall issues Dog training recall games
puppy proofing Effective puppy training methods
creating a safe environment
puppy commands
basic obedience
building trust with your puppy

Neither app produced the type of up-to-date results and data you can get from a professional SEO tool like Semrush.

Keyword Magic Tool – How to teach your puppy to come – Exact Match keywords

But they’re still useful jumping off points for your keyword research.

Overall, we prefer ChatGPT for generating keyword ideas. Its ability to produce on-topic keywords made this one an easy choice.

Meta Descriptions

Google Gemini’s writing is more compelling, clear, and engaging.

Which is exactly what we’re looking for in meta descriptions.

Gemini – Prompt for post meta description

ChatGPT writes well. But often lacks the ability to pull readers in and compel them to engage.

Optimizing Headlines

ChatGPT does a better job with headlines for a couple of reasons:

  • It includes the correct keywords
  • It places keywords toward the front of the headline
  • Its outputs read naturally and don’t feel like they’re written for SEO

Google Gemini can give you some great headline ideas. But its use of keywords often feels unnatural and redundant.

Alt Text

Google Gemini generated more readable alt text than ChatGPT.

But if we’re being honest:

Both apps got long-winded and included too much detail.

Gemini – Image alt text description

More refined prompts with character limits can help. But both apps often ignore these suggestions anyway.

So we’d recommend playing around with the prompts and using your own expertise to craft useful alt text.

Backlink Outreach Ideas

Both apps gave us great ideas on who to connect with to build backlinks to our article.

ChatGPT gave us a wider range of ideas and opportunities.

ChatGPT provide ideas and opportunities

Google Gemini offered some good suggestions, too.

But from a beginner’s perspective, ChatGPT’s extra detail and guidance made its response more helpful.

Backlink Outreach Emails

To wrap up our SEO comparisons, we asked both apps to generate a backlink outreach email.

ChatGPT’s email message focused on the value the recipient would enjoy by linking to our article.

And it used an effective copywriting trick: talking about the benefits the recipient will get from the relationship. Rather than just what you’ll gain from the link.

ChatGPT generated a backlink outreach email

For SEO tasks, both ChatGPT and Gemini excel in different areas.

But ChatGPT excels more often.

We prefer ChatGPT for:

  • Keyword research
  • Titles and headlines
  • Title tags
  • Backlink ideas
  • Backlink outreach emails

And Google Gemini for:

  • Meta descriptions
  • Alt Text

Google Gemini Is More Useful for Creative Content and Planning

Google Gemini and ChatGPT both shine when it comes to creative content.

They can:

  • Suggest blog topics, article ideas, and outlines
  • Plan email and social media campaigns
  • Generate videos scripts
  • Write sales copy for web and landing pages
  • Write email campaigns
  • Write social media captions

We asked both apps to create a blog post outline for an article on “puppy recall training.”

ChatGPT’s outline provided more detail.

ChatGPT create a blog post outline

We then asked both apps to create promotional content for the article, and the results were as follows:

  • ChatGPT’s emails provided more detail but Google Gemini’s writing was better
  • ChatGPT’s video script included voice-narrated and text-based CTAs, while Gemini failed to include CTAs
  • Google Gemini’s campaign ideas included goals, engagement strategies, and a wide variety of formatting. ChatGPT delivered a full month of content ideas but left out goals and strategies.
  • Gemini’s natural, engaging writing style gave us some fantastic captions, and most could be published as-is without any changes. On the other hand, ChatGPT struggled to write compelling and unique content.
  • Gemini’s sales-oriented copy was far more compelling and benefits-oriented than the results from ChatGPT.

Overall, Google Gemini does a better job at creative text generation.

But if you’re looking for help with outlining or video scripts, consider turning to ChatGPT.

ChatGPT Provides Better Blog Post Repurposing Ideas

Repurposing your blog posts on other platforms can increase your marketing campaign’s efficiency. Without having to create much extra content.

To find out which tool was best at providing ideas, we shared a 600-word blog post on puppy recall training with both apps. And asked them to develop a repurposing plan for the article.

The results?

ChatGPT gave us dozens of detailed ideas. All within a well-organized plan.

ChatGPT develop a repurposing plan for the article

Its suggestions included formats like:

  • Infographics
  • Email series
  • Social media snippets
  • Video and live streams
  • Podcast episodes

Google Gemini’s response was the opposite.

It was very brief, suggesting just a few repurposing channels. And it lacked creativity and detail.

ChatGPT Is Great for Transcribing Text from Images

AI transcription can help you:

  • Digitize printed materials
  • Extract information from infographics
  • Translate text from documents or screenshots
  • Archive historical documents

We tested Google Gemini and ChatGPT for text transcription.

And we didn’t make it easy.

We submitted a complex infographic (a complete SEO checklist) from Backlinko.

SEO Checklist from Backlinko

The image had a lot of small lettering, several tiers of information placed in different graphic elements, and dark coloring in a few spots.

Gemini transcribed text in image

ChatGPT transcribed the piece with much better accuracy.

ChatGPT had one mistake at the end of text. Instead “Update and Relaunch Outdated Content” ChatGPT transcribed as “Update and Improve Outdated Content.”

ChatGPT mistake when transcribed text in image

Google Gemini’s results had bigger problems.

And its issues went beyond simple errors.

It also:

  • Re-arranged the order of some lists
  • Added extra items
  • Changed some of the advice

In the image below, you can see the highlighted fields where errors occurred:

Errors when Gemini transcribed text in image

Both sets of results require proofreading.

But both apps can save you a lot of time compared to manual transcription.

In our experience, ChatGPT did a better, more accurate job transcribing text from images.

Both Are Good at Reasoning and Decision-Making

Facing a tough decision? Google Gemini and ChatGPT can help you explore new ways to look at both sides of a situation. And give you a list of points to consider before making a decision.

For example, we asked both apps for guidance on whether to expand upon our (fictional) blog content with podcasting.

Google Gemini responded with a generalized plan. And its guidance was an excellent starting point.

Its recommendations included an organized thought process. Plus a list of considerations.

All neatly presented in a list of topics and subtopics.

For example, the Investment and Resources section advised us to consider equipment, time, and hosting expenses.

Gemini – Reasoning and decision making

ChatGPT’s response lacked full descriptions.

But it included details that might otherwise get overlooked. Such as soundproofing, audio software, and podcast storage fees.

ChatgGPT – Reasoning and decision making

Neither app provided enough detail to make an informed decision.

But that’s okay.

Because together, the responses formed a comprehensive starting point to guide our research.

We recommend using both apps when turning to AI for help with reasoning and decision-making.

To get a wider range of perspectives.

Both Apps Are Good for Organizing, Summarizing, and Scheduling

ChatGPT and Google Gemini can quickly transcribe, organize, and summarize your notes.

You can analyze and summarize existing files by uploading a PDF or JPEG image. Or by pasting text from other documents.

Transcribing Handwritten Notes

We started this comparison by asking both apps to transcribe an image of a handwritten to-do list.

Gemini transcribed handwritten notes

Google Gemini’s interpretation was clearer and much easier to read.

But both apps did an excellent job turning our handwritten list into a well-organized document.

Analyzing Content in Notes

Next, we asked the apps to separate the list into two sections: personal and business.

Google Gemini’s results were better-formatted and easier to read.

Gemini – Analyzing content in notes

Google Gemini’s version was free of errors.

But ChatGPT had one mistake. It turned the phrase “w/Lee” into “Wylee.”

(Obviously the results here will vary depending on handwriting style.)

Creating Schedules from Notes

Finally, we asked each app to estimate the amount of time needed for each task.

And then turn it into a one-day schedule.

ChatGPT created schedules from notes

Both apps did an amazing job estimating time frames and planning our day (minus the “Wylee” mistake from ChatGPT”).

But ChatGPT’s schedule was more efficient and had our day wrapped up by 5:30. Whereas Google Gemini had us running until 9:00 pm.

We prefer ChatGPT for building customized schedules.


Google Gemini’s planning is less rushed, making it a better choice for people who prefer longer days at a more relaxed pace.

Choosing Between Google Gemini and ChatGPT

Our Google Gemini vs ChatGPT experiment shows that each app has different strengths and weaknesses.

But generally speaking:

  • Google Gemini excels at creative writing
  • ChatGPT is a better “thinker” and is best for analytical tasks and planning

Want to learn more about using AI chatbots in your workflows?

Here are a couple of resources to get you started:

  • ChatGPT for SEO: Ultimate Guide, Tips & Prompts: Discover the best ways to use ChatGPT and learn more about its strengths and limitations
  • Best AI Content Generator Tools: An overview of the top AI writing tools and their best features
  • 11 AWESOME ChatGPT Alternatives in August 2024: Discover more AI chatbot options beyond ChatGPT and Google Gemini

The post Google Gemini vs ChatGPT: <br>Which AI Chatbot Is Better? appeared first on Backlinko.

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